S-178 Nancy Peterkin

Articulated Tug/Barge Tug
Nichols Brothers Boat Builders first Articulated Tug/Barge (ATB) project was completed in late 2015 and early 2016. Nichols constructed two (2) custom tugs for Kirby Offshore Marine; while Gunderson Marine of Portland, Oregon supplied the barge units.
This sistership consists of two identical 136’ x 44’ x 19’ 10,000HP ATB Tugs the M/V Nancy Peterkin and the M/V Tina Pyne. The complete Articulated Tug/Barge unit(s) are a Guarino & Cox, LLC of Covington, Louisiana design, which is intended for handling ocean going barges in full ocean service.
The main engines are two EMD 20-710G7C-T3 diesel engines with continuous rating of 5,000 bhp @ 900 rpm each. Engines are coupled to Reintjes WAF 5666 reduction gears rated for the main engines full horsepower rating 24 hours per day with 15% overload capacity; and are configured with two fixed-pitched propellers. The ATB unit has the flexibility to reach and maneuver in ports that restrict larger vessels.